Thursday, October 21, 2021

Age of A.I.

 Age Of A.I.

color to change to at end: #A8FFFC China's basic surveillance state is absolutely terrifying. My roommate from freshman year grew up in Shang-hai and it's really weird there. Their social media is all different, and I believe they all have social networks\chats specifically for the government to not watch them. The government watches literally everything they do or say, and if they do something really bad, they "disappear".It just seems like privacy, or even the illusion of privacy is a joke. At least in America, we have some semblance of privacy. A.I. is either nonexistent or less structured. 

Where I grew up, my town is small and old. Everyone there is also old and very conservative (I didn't fit in at all.) We do NOT use our tax money effectively at all and our town prioritises their anti-woman agenda over the kids in public schools. We would always have threats every year that "oh if the levy doesn't pass, we wont be able to do band!" But our levvies would always pass. Every year. Then the schools would do unnessicary things with the money like demolishing a bunch of perfectly good buildings to build new schools that were apparently just worse. (I say apparently because my younger friends were impacted by this and the class behind mine was the last class to not be.)
Why am I talking about this? The school didn't prioritise things well. My town was the same way. We took out random parking spaces to make a random crosswalk in the middle of the road to "appeal to old people," which ok, but you're making them park farther away and taking out parking spots for them.
My town also did the most tasteless thing ever. They put in a bike trail that's supposed to help the people who live in the projects and might not have cars. The bike trail doesn't go to any stores, nor does it even reach the projects. It's a random bike trail that isn't even a mile long.It just seems preformative and gross.

I rambled a lot, but it's to prove the point that my town... they don't seem the kind to just have some kind of A.I. thing. We don't even have sensors on the traffic lights. In bigger places like NYC or LA, they might do some kind of A.I. thing, but I don't see it. There would be no way to document everyone in the country, especially with all the immigrants. China seems to be a lot more tightly knit on that sort of thing.

Speaking of China, the social credit thing seems so wrong to me.It's legitimately just a way for people to be rated on how well they fit in with the government agenda. 

When our founding fathers said "all men created equal," it really meant "if you're a white male with property, you're created equal." That is inherently unequal. Even now, not everyone is created equal in America and anyone who thinks everyone is created equally either grew up super privileged, lived under a rock, or are just that incredibly self absorbed\unaware\stupid. Literally if you have diabetes, you have to depend on medication that is so expensive that if you don't have money, you're forcing yourself to choose between that and food. If you get hurt, you're in debt for years because of the screwed up pricing at hospitals. Basically, if you are born poor, good luck. You're not going to get as much as someone who's not. If you're a woman, you tend to be taken less seriously, and if you're a BIPOC, you have to worry about the perceptions of others on you, including law enforcement. It sucks. This is like in China except there, this concept is knowingly reinforced and encouraged by the government.

Oh Facebook, Amazon, and their ability to stalk you. See, the fact that bots can see what you post and analyze it, the idea of it doesn't scare me much. Maybe it's just that I'm numb to a lot of things. That being said, the fact that Facebook influenced your mood by your feed and manipulates people really just annoys me. Something else is a bit annoying too. I'm gonna preface this with the fact that I lean left. That being said, while Facebook is a private company, they apparently hide republican ideas. Granted, I think if you're homophobic, you can post about it. Then people like me can come in and block you and your sad sad existence from our lives. 

I'm gonna be honest, my mental health has been really just bad this week and this Age of A.I. documentary really isn't helping and is in fact making it worse. So I'm just gonna stop here. Sorry there isn't a lot of pictures or anything, I just actively do not want to do this blog for my own sake. I just don't need to talk about the doom and gloom of the future because I really have no hope for it anyways. 

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