Monday, September 27, 2021

Blog 6 - Rodger being Rodger

 Rodger's Diffusion of Innovations

So basically, any idea or change to society, people have to adapt to it and get used to it. Eventually, it reaches saturation, and very few, if any changes ever truly reach 100%. This can be used with tangible objects, like the TV or a dishwasher. It can also be used with ideas, such as the internet, the mail system, and banking. All ideas come, and then they either evolve into something unrecognizable to it's creators, or it just goes away.

Relating to Twitch, I'd say the Innovators were Justin and the other people who helped him to develop the website. The early Adopters were anyone who started broadcasting when the site was called Justin.TV. Once it got a lot of users and renamed to Twitch, it got into the early majority. With websites, it's hard to see where we are in this chart, as the internet is forever, but if a website does something horrible, it can get taken down, or people could stop using it and another site takes all their customers. Sometimes sites just decide to shut down on their own. But I'd say we are likely in the early majority right now. We have a lot of creators and a lot of people using the site. It's still mostly gamers, as when I asked the class who uses Twitch, it was a bunch of dudes who I assume game, and not the majority of the class.

Wacky thing: I'm doing this in my marketing class (My professor was zooming through the slideshow, and I could neither see it well because she can't design well, or write down what i could see because she'd just click to the next slide so fast and it was frustrating, so I gave up) and my professor just mentioned Roger's Diffusion of Innovations, and she also is connecting it to technology, but she isn't using it for websites. (But she's using it to explain Tennis?) Companies are generally banking on people in the early adopters group to try to spread the word about the product. Here are some from Twitch.  So that's nifty, I would say. The initial people who promoted Twitch are also all wealthy, successful, and doing a job they love. I feel like being an early adapter in something successful is something we all want to be, wether we know it or not, because wether it's "I did this thing before it was cool" or "I get paid because I took advantage of x thing early."

I feel like this also relates to stocks, as people try to invest in a brand which they think will do well, and if it takes off, they get a huge return in their initial investment. For example, when
Bitcoin (a cryptocurrency) was first coming out, it was less than a cent and people got on it, probably as a joke, and then it took off and they got wealthy. I remember when Dogecoin took off. I was on a voice call on Discord talking to my friend about stocks, and he had just convinced me that day to download Robinhood. I was still getting approved so I told him to check his phone to see what the price was. I bought $10 worth as soon as Robinhood approved me. To the right, you see my Robinhood investing (yeah I know it isn't a lot yet, but I'm trying to just figure it out.) but you see that it spiked when I first joined, and then it fell a little bit, and then really spiked again. (I was around $30, I think? My memory is horrible.) I'm hoping with Dogecoin, I'm an early investor and not that I failed to sell when I should've and that Dogecoin has peaked for all time. 

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