Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog Post #1 - The 5 Sources

My top 5 news sources

I'm not typically someone who goes out of my way to check out news, as a lot of it is quite depressing. While I am someone who does like to keep informed of what is going on, it isn't my number one priority, as I also believe in keeping my mental health at a functional level. Thus, these ways are a bit unconventional, and that's ok because it works for me! Also, the links on this post are going to be white because the blue links are ugly.

News source 1: Youtube

This first source is Youtube. I am someone who does enjoy watching it for leisure and enjoyment, but I also watch videos to be informed. If I want to watch a tutorial on something, I will go to Youtube. If I want to watch some news (or tea) about Youtubers, I will go to Youtube. If I wish to see a video of something that happened in the world from a real person, and not just a news source, I will go to Youtube. If I want to listen to a wacky remix of a song, I'll go to Youtube. If I want to watch Nintendo's E3 to find out what games or updates they are putting out, that's all on Youtube! You can watch a wide array of videos there, and Youtube will even have a current news tab on the main page where they will put breaking news videos for all to see. It helps to be caught up on whatever news, drama, or tea that you need to be!

News source 2: My online friends on Discord

Discord is an instant messaging site, where you can have online chat rooms, direct message other users, and call people as well. It was originally created for gamers, but it has evolved into a platform where you can find communities of people with like-minded interests. It's accessible around the globe, and I know personally that I have met some of my best friends on the app whom I would have never met otherwise. Now, how do I get news on there? It's simple, really. Most of my friends there are from different walks of life, different countries, different economical statuses, different cultures, and it helps put a lot of things into perspective. If something important happens, we'll talk about it and we will be able to see issues through different lenses. We also will Google and fact check.

News Source 3: Facebook

This is about as unconventional as it gets! I really don't post on Facebook and I only will comment if a post REALLY bothers me! Political posts and people complaining about stuff that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things are what rule Facebook, which is why I avoid the app. The only time I click the app is when I accidentally click it instead of Discord or when I'm so bored and want to feel something. A lot of my mom's friends are very right in political ideation. I'm more left, so I disagree with a lot of what they say, but sometimes they will post something that I had never seen, so I will fact check it to find out more about what they are talking about. Sometimes I will also find out what's going on at home with my town or my high school and the various activities I was part of. Mostly, the app is a political spitfire and I just try to avoid it at all costs!

News source 4: Snapchat

Snapchat is an interesting app. You can send photos that disappear, put photos on your story that disappear after 24 hours, and use fun filters. But how do I find news on there? People are way more authentic with what they post on their stories so you get a more realistic look into your friend's life. They may ask for help on something on their story and you could swipe up and reply. This is also where a lot of people may initially come out about their sexuality and gender and post about stuff they don't want their parents or people who they don't know knowing. There also are political figures you can follow as well as various Snapchat shows done by various people. It isn't one of those apps that you should totally rely on world news for, but you can keep track of your buddies from home. 

There is also this cool feature called Snapmaps where you can also keep track of where your friends are (you can also turn it off or only for certain people to see.) You can see stories from around the world on there and it can give insight into your average person's life without really giving away their identity.

News source 5: Reddit

So I'm really not someone who has posted much on Reddit and the only Reddit karma I have was from I got into a huge argument on there with some guy who tried to cancel run my friend off the app, and everyone upvoted me. That being said, Reddit can be a very valuable new source. You can follow different "subreddits" or interests on there. There are fun subreddits, and more serious ones about the state of the world. There are even subreddits on stocks! A lot of the ones I personally follow, however, are open discussion subreddits, where people ask questions and other users answer.

I attached one subreddit per linked word in this paragraph, and I can't control what you see on the other side, so fair warning.

Final Blog Post

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